What is test automation?

Testing doesn't need to be manual

Without automated tests, you need to manually click on your website and check if everything works correctly. Automated tests do it for you - the tests execute instructions and click on the website for you. If you want to learn the basic concepts of test automation with step-by-step screenshots, check out our tutorial for beginners -->

Automate your repetitive testing

Test automation is the process of creating a set of instructions that are automatically executed in the browser. You just click "Run the test" and the browser simulates user clicks and keyboard typing for you so that you can do a more important job.

There's a challenge to it! Computers are not intelligent and until now required super detailed scripts that required coding skills and dedicated QA engineers to maintain the tests. BugBug's mission is to change it and allow you to create robust automated browser tests without coding.

Automatic tests that simulate user interactions are often End-to-end tests or Functional tests

Effortless test automation with BugBug

BugBug allows you to create your test automation faster and maintain it without the hassle and without coding. And you can start for free!

Last updated

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