Start for free

Quick and hassle-free setup

  • BugBug set-up takes only a few minutes

  • It doesn't require any engineering skills, you just need a basic knowledge of HTML

  • You can try BugBug for free, no credit card is required

  • The free 14-day trial will start automatically and give you access to premium features right away

  • After the trial ends you can stay on a free plan or start a subscription - see pricing

Sign up

You have few options to sign up

  • with your email address

  • with GitHub account

  • with your Google account.

After registration go to your email inbox and confirm your BugBug account

Once you confirm your account you can fill in your profile information or you can skip this step.

Set up your organization

You can invite others to collaborate on your tests - to do this you need to choose your organization name. You can change it anytime later in Organization Settings.

Last updated