
By default, BugBug is sending email notifications about scheduled runs to all members of your organization. This makes sure that as soon as your app is not working as it should you will get an email alert.

You can change this rule on the Alerts page:

  • when people get notifications

  • who will receive them

You can also send additional notifications to email addresses who are not members of your organization, for example, clients or colleagues.

Alerts are configured per project, each project has independent settings.

Adding a new alert to your project

By clicking on the "New alert" button you can set up alerts related to a specific project.

Choose when the alerts should be sent

You can easily select when the alerts should be triggered by clicking and expanding the drop-down list in the "When" section.

Available options:

  • Test started

  • Test finished

  • Suite started

  • Suite finished

  • Schedule started

  • Schedule finished

Along with other conditions, such as:

  • Which suites/tests/schedules - allows you to select various suites, tests or schedules

  • Results - "Passed", and "Failed" are selected by default, but you can also select a third option - "BugBug internal error" that will send an alert when i.e. some technical issues occur on BugBug's side that could impact the test run results.

  • Methods - contains "Local browser" and "Cloud" options to be selected but this is dependent on your subscription plan settings

  • Profile - a profile that was used in selected runs

  • Run by - define what causes the run. Select between: "Manually by a user", "API" or "Automatically by scheduler"

Remember that these fields will change based on what type of event you will select in the "When" section from the listed options.

Set what type of action should be executed*

*Note: for now you can only choose the "Send email notification", "Send webhook", and "Send Slack message" options. More will come soon, such as: creating a Jira ticket and sending a notification to other team communicators like Teams, Discord, etc.

Alert action types in-detail

Send email notification

Select who should be notified

In the "Send to" drop-down section you can select who should be notified when alerts are triggered. You can select between:

  • All people (in the selected project)

  • Selected user(s)

Additional email addresses for notifications

You can also send notifications to other people, who are not members of your organization. For example:

  • notify your clients about their app status without granting them access to the whole project

  • notify other teams who don't want to sign up for BugBug but still want to be notified when something is not working as it should

You can enter several additional email addresses, separated by a comma.

Send webhook

Outgoing webhooks are a powerful feature for advanced users that can be used to integrate BugBug into your current workflow, such as sending custom notifications to your team's communicator like Slack.

Before proceeding to the next step, remember to first set up a webhook in your external service. You will need the webhook configuration to populate the form fields.

Note: You can use built-in variables in any field, e.g. {{testRunId}}.

Set basic request data

In the first two fields, you need to define the request method and the webhook URL. Currently, we support the most popular webhook request methods like POST and GET.

Define POST request body message

The Body is an optional field that consumes data in JSON format. Its value depends on your needs and the requirements of your external service provider.

If you need to send additional data through the webhook request, it's the best place to do so.

Testing a webhook alert

Before creating a new webhook alert, it's possible to check how it works by clicking on the "Trigger Alert" button.

It's a good practice to do this. It allows you to avoid unexpected errors in the future, for example, invalid credentials or wrong body format.

Define the POST request body message by using a built-in variable

When it comes to setting up the Body of your webhook, you can easily use only the built-in variables within BugBug, so the overall configuration will be more intuitive. Knowing this, for instance, you can set an alert that will send the name of the test with the usage of the POST method that contains within its Body a variable that reflects the finished test's name, like here:

  "test name of a finished test": "{{testName}}"

The {{testName}} built-in variable was used here, which resulted in an output of a webhook alert (after the test finished) in the "Raw Content" section in the tested Webhook service:

This matches the test's name that exists and was executed:

Send Slack message

Sending Slack messages to your project channel or directly to people is the best way to keep your team updated on the status of test/suite/schedule runs.

Keep in mind that the "Alerts" feature is only available on paid plans. So any related features, such as Slack alerts, will not be available on the free plan.

More information about pricing can be found here:

Before proceeding to the first step, remember to integrate your Slack workspace with BugBug. If you haven't done so yet, don't worry - BugBug will prompt you for permissions when you start creating an alert.

Already connected? Great! Follow the steps below.

Set Slack message type

In the first field, you need to specify the messaging method. We currently support two different ways to send a Slack message:

  • Channel message (most common)

  • Direct message

Choose a recipient/channel

In the next box, you need to select a channel or person to receive the messages. BugBug will provide you with a list of all available Slack members.

Testing a Slack alert

Before creating a new Slack alert, it's possible to check how it works by clicking on the "Trigger Alert" button.

The Slack message template is predefined for all users. If you need to customize the message, create a webhook alert instead.

Alerts list and management

Having all the data filled you can add your alert by clicking on the "Create alert" button to see it on the list.

Manage your existing alerts

From this level, you can easily manage your listed alerts. From enabling or disabling to duplication them with a few clicks. Editing is also possible - just simply click on a listed alert's box.

Click on the toggle button to enable/disable each alert.

Click on the "..." to display the drop-down menu and select between available options:

  • Edit

  • Duplicate

  • Delete

If some alerts aren't needed anymore and you want to tidy your list, just simply delete the selected item.

Last updated