
When you manually add steps, first you need to choose a type of step. There are 2 basic types of steps:

Action types available for a step

  • Click

  • Double click

  • Right click

  • Hover (mouseover)

  • Scroll

  • Press mouse button (mouseDown)

  • Release mouse button (mouseUp)

  • Drag&Drop (BETA)

  • Type text

  • Select option

  • Clear input

  • Change value

  • Upload file

Window actions

  • Go to URL

  • New tab

  • Close tab

  • Reload page

Advanced actions

Actions - detailed descriptions & tips

Mouse actions - details

Action nameWhen to use it?


When you want to click a specific element. This is the most common action for navigating the web. This also serves as "tap" action if you test mobile resolutions.

Double click

When your app has a specific interaction on double-click, for example, double-click to open a file

Right click

When your app has a custom context menu on right-click


Important! This action is not recorded automatically. You need to enter "Hover" mode during the recording. Examples when to use it:

  • Navigation bar with menus that appear on mouseover

  • Cart preview that appears on hover

  • Actions that only appear when you move your mouse over a table row


When you need to force BugBug to scroll to specific coordinates. Usually, you don't need to add it manually, because BugBug handles the scroll automatically.

Press mouse button

This action will initiate the mouseDown event. You can use it in combination with "hover" and "Release mouse button" to simulate drag & drop from one element to another element.

Release mouse button

Release the mouse button (mouseUp) on a specific element.

Drag&Drop (BETA)

When your app has a slider that is interacted with by a drag&drop interaction.

Input actions - details

Action nameWhat it does?

Type text

Types text into input, textarea or contenteditable fields. Simulates keyboard presses, entering characters one by one.

Select option

Chooses a specific option in a native HTML select dropdown (also called "combobox" menu).

Clear input

Removes all characters from a text input field, textarea or contenteditable

Change value

Sets a value of any form element. HTML has many form controls and some of them can be set to a specific value, for example, radio groups. Technically a JS "change" event is triggered and the value is updated immediately, without typing letter by letter. Use it for typing longer texts.

Upload file

Simulates "choose file" action in a form of type file for uploading in forms. You can customize the file that's going to be uploaded.

Advanced actions - details

Set variable

This action can be used to store local variables from tested sources. You can use a selector to find a text value on the tested web application. Now you can store any text value from the tested web page in a variable and use it in feature steps. For example, to find out newly registered unique users in your CRM. This variable is also cross-domain.

For more detailed information check out "Variables during recording".

Answer a prompt

Accept or decline browser alerts initiated by alert(), confirm()or provide a custom text answer for a browser prompt().

This action is automatically recorded and most of the time you don't need to edit it manually.

  • To confirm the window prompt enter true in the answer field.

  • To reject enter false.

  • For prompt() questions, enter a custom text that should be provided as an answer

Last updated